Pepita Utility Token
The only digital asset with real guarantee.



What is a Utility Token?

Utility Token is every representation of a digital asset/good that is registered to a blockchain.

What is the Pepita Utility Token?

It is the Utility Token with the purpose of uniting the traditional and decentralized market, which has Blockchain security in the traceability of gold and mineral extraction operations, with a facilitated environment for value reserve, bringing greater transparency in proof of funds and utility in people’s daily lives.

What is Blockchain and how does it work?

Blockchain is an accounting ledger, immutable that stores facts about the current state of an object, for example a crypto asset, all the details of each and every transaction made are stored and is accessible to anyone who wants to audit the stored data.

What are the main types of Blockchain?

There are 2 main types of blockchain, public and private, despite having differences both have similarities such as the ability to provide guarantees of the immutability of the ledger, they are peer-to-peer P2P networks and have resources to keep replicas synchronized. The main difference between them lies in the fact that a public blockchain is accessible to any person or entity, so anyone can access the stored data and participate in the network helping to grow the network. While in a private blockchain an invitation is required and in some cases it requires the initiator or a group to validate access and participation in the network.

What are the advantages of a private Blockchain?

A private Blockchain requires participants to have invitations and be validated to participate, which generates more trust and security for those who will use the tokens, as the people/entities participating are in accordance with strict compliance and security rules.

What is the Pepita Utility Token Bywise Blockchain?

A 2nd layer Blockchain. They are Smart Contracts with Transparency! A solution that facilitates audits and helps institutions fight fraud. Pepita Utility Token uses the corporate Bywise Blockchain for information management, traceability of Commodity operations and transparency in proof of funds.

What is a digital asset registered on Blockchain?

A digital asset registered on Blockchain is a digital representation of an asset that is stored and managed on a decentralized network of interconnected computers, known as Blockchain.

Blockchain technology is a distributed data structure that enables the creation of digital records that are immutable, transparent and secure. This means that information registered on the Blockchain is protected from tampering or deletion, making the process of registering digital assets highly reliable and secure.

Digital assets registered on Blockchain can include cryptocurrencies, security tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), among other types of assets. The decentralized nature of Blockchain means that these assets can be transferred securely and transparently between parties without the need for traditional intermediaries such as banks or investment firms.

O que é a Rastreabilidade?

Por meio da tecnologia Blockchain é possivel realizar a Rastreabilidade inteligente de todos os registros, dos ativos, das operações e das transações realizadas como um registro de informações distribuído e descentralizado, uma importante caracteristica de imutabilidade, pois os dados registrados não podem ser alterados ou removidos, possuindo contratos inteligentes que permitem associar as regras de negócios às transações, facilitando a realização de auditorias com transparência e métodos de validação dos registros com segurança para a cadeia produtiva.

A rastreabilidade torna-se aliada na garantia da segurança, respeito aos processos no âmbito sócio-econômico-ambiental e aumento do valor agregado ao produto-serviço, neste caso, proporciona maior segurança e qualidade em toda a cadeia produtiva do processo. Por meio do controle detalhado, é possível determinar e verificar cada fase em que se encontra o processo de produção de modo altamente transparente e confiável, sendo possível acompanhar desde o momento da extração até a custódia dos commodities, por exemplo.

Dessa forma, é compartilhado com os participantes que utilizam a tecnologia todos os dados e informações públicas, tornando as informações invioláveis, onde as informações registradas são gravadas de forma permanente, sem alteração ou violação de dados, sendo possível registrar e acompanhar todas as informações da propriedade, as etapas de produção e as transações realizadas.

O que é um Smart Contract?

Smart Contract ou Contrato Inteligente, é um contrato digital autoexecutável em ambiente virtual que firma e vincula as partes envolvidas, assim como o uso da técnologia de programação criptográfica com automação de um acordo preestabelecido entre as partes, determinando as regras estabelecidas. Ele garante maior segurança, praticidade e transparência aos usuários pois, não pode ser adulterado, sendo autoexecutável ele garante mais segurança na execução do acordo por meio da tecnologia blockchain.

Como acessar o Smart Contract da Pepita Utility Token?

Para acessar o Smart Contract da Pepita Utility Token acesse:

Qual é o Propósito da Pepita Utitity Token?

É a viabilização da capacidade de extração de minérios no mercado de commodities, assim como unir o mercado descentralizado e o tradicional, aproveitando o melhor que ambos podem oferecer para a economia em geral, e proporcionando utilidade no dia a dia das pessoas.

Como comprar e vender utilitys tokens?

Os ativos digitais Pepita Utility Token podem ser negociados da seguinte forma: Através de Exchange de Criptoativos, isto é, a Pepita Utility Token listada em bolsas  corretoras de criptoativos, denominadas como “Exchanges”, de forma que os usuários das exchanges têm acesso aos livros de ofertas destas, podem negociar os ativos Pepita Utility Token dentro das corretoras de criptoativos. As negociações realizadas com o ativo digital Pepita Utility Token por meio de Exchange são de responsabilidade da própria Exchange, bem como do próprio usuário, de forma que a Pepita Utility Token não se responsabiliza pelas operações realizadas dentro de Exchange.

O que é um Roadmap?

Roadmap é um mapa que propõe as metas de médio e longo prazo de um projeto, ajuda a entender em qual etapa do projeto estamos no momento e quais os próximos passos a serem tomados.

O que é White Paper?

White Paper é um documento que descreve os dados e informações detalhadamente de uma solução para um problema a ser resolvido. No caso de um criptoativo o White Paper traz todas as informações básicas sobre o funcionamento, quantidade de tokens, distribuição e demais detalhes para o investidor.

Qual é o Plano de Distribuição da Pepita Utility Token?

Temos um total de 28.800.000 (vinte e oito milhões e oitocentos mil tokens) emitidos que serão distribuidos ao longo de 20 anos. Por ano irão a mercado 1.440.000 (um milhão quatrocentos e quarenta mil) tokens, distribuidos conforme o plano de distribuição detalhado no gráfico pizza disponível no Whitepaper, sendo dividido em percentuais e em setores específicos, cada um com sua importância, apoiando e disseminando a expansão de negócios e, nosso compromisso com o mercado e com a comunidade com total responsabilidade e transparência.

Como e quando ocorre o Halving da Pepita Utility Token ao mercado?

O Halving da Papita Utility Token, processo de oferta ao mercado ocorre em ciclos anuais. Do total de 28.800.000 (vinte e oito milhões e oitocentos mil) tokens emitidos e gerados, anualmente vai a mercado 5% (cinco por cento) sendo 1.440.000 (um milhão, quatrocentos e quarenta mil) tokens distribuidos em percentuais e em setores específicos, cada qual com sua devida importância conforme o Plano de Distribuição detalhado no Gráfico Pizza de modo transparente e comprometido com o mercado e com a comunidade.

What does the Pepita Utility Token Distribution Plan Pie Chart mean?

The Pepita Utility Token Distribution Plan is divided into sectors with their due importance and visually better understood in what we call a Pie Chart, being divided, distributed and destined as follows:

  • PRODUCTION: 28.5% Portfolio intended for the production and extraction of ores from tokenized projects in partner mining companies as a way to support and guarantee the extraction/operation of mining companies and other operations/guarantees of commodities in general approved in the Pepita Utility ecosystem Token. Verified, audited and consolidated for registration on the Blockchain with certification, transparency and security to the market;
  • 20.5% RESERVE FUND WALLET: The reserve fund wallet, which corresponds to 20.5% of the total Pepita utility tokens, is a special purpose reserve fund wallet that is only activated by board vote for emergency uses;
  • MARKET OPENING 10%: Portfolio intended for actions to expand business in the Pepita Utility Token market in conjunction with exchanges, marketing strategies and advertising campaigns in general;
  • TECHNOLOGY 10%: Portfolio destined to developments, improvements, maintenance and updates of technology in general. Integrations with the market, APIs, project traceability, proof of funds and development of products and services in general, as well as constant improvements to the technology security of the Pepita Utility Token ecosystem.
  • ESG 7%: Acceleration of projects aimed at sustainability, encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technologies in ESG integrated with the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals;
  • INNOVATION 5%: Portfolio destined to promote and contribute to the development of projects focused on education, technology, finance, blockchain, social, startups and others that have synergy with Pepita Utility Token, adding value to the global market, in the expansion of businesses focused on human development integrated with innovation, with an impact on solutions for people’s day-to-day lives;
  • COUNCIL 5%: Portfolio intended to pay people who do part of the work in counseling for the development of the project. A key part of any project is the people, fostering and valuing a high-performance team, trained professionals with expertise in specific areas. Expert Executive Advisors and reference in their industries that help in the development, integration, and union of the traditional, decentralized and disruptive market proposed by Pepita Utility Token;
  • FOUNDERS 5%: Share of the founders;
  • SUPPLIERS 5%: Actions in return for support and development of various businesses with suppliers and commercial partners;
  • INSURANCE 3%: Portfolio intended for insurance actions specialized in tangible and intangible assets, custody of commodities, traceability security, cyber risks, among others to ensure the sustainability of the Pepita Utility Token;
  • NFT 1%: Development of new products and NFTs;
  • EXCHANGE 1%: Marketing campaigns and promotions on listings and integrations with exchanges where the Pepita Utility Token is listed.

What is the Pepita Utility Token Bug Bounty Program?

The fee that is charged for each time the token changes hands, within the decentralized ecosystem is fixed at 0.05%, this fee is also used to bonus you who are a Developer, Programmer, IT Kid or just a technology enthusiast, by helping Pepita evolve further. We have a Bug Bounty bounty program where users and developers are rewarded when they find bugs and vulnerabilities in the platform. To participate and join the group go to

Can I keep up with advances and integrate more with the Pepita Utility Token?

Yes. Through our Roadmap and Whitpapper you will be able to find all the information on the advances and integrate with the Pepita Utility Token, as well as follow the news in our media and official channels.

Does the Pepita Utility Token contact users?

We inform you that we do not contact you via whatsapp, telegram or SMS, we never ask for a password or wallet number. We advise users to take due care with their data. If there is any doubt related to the Pepita Utility Token digital asset, users can contact us through the official channel or directly in our chat with access through the support available on the official website or in cases of negotiations and acquisitions directly with the Exchanges.

What are the official channels that I can follow the news of Pepita Utility Token?

Does Pepita Utility Token have an Anti-Fraud Program?

Yes. The founders in the act of constitution signed a commitment related to the subject, demonstrating the commitment and good practices of Pepita Utility Token in order to provide a healthy, ethical and sustainable ecosystem in the global market.